Ora A. Weisz, PhD

  • Assistant Vice Chancellor for Faculty Excellence, Health Sciences
  • Associate Dean for Faculty Development, School of Medicine
  • Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Department of Medicine
  • Professor of Medicine and of Cell Biology, School of Medicine

Ora A. Weisz is assistant vice chancellor for faculty excellence, health sciences, and associate dean for faculty development, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Dr. Weisz works with the Office of Academic Career Development and the Office of Research, Health Sciences, as well as the Office of Faculty Affairs in the School of Medicine, to provide junior faculty members with critical skills and resources to maximize their research ability. She is director of the School of Medicine’s Junior Faculty Scholar Awards program, which provides research support to junior investigators with significant extraprofessional responsibilities. In the School of Medicine, Dr. Weisz is professor and vice chair for faculty development in the Department of Medicine and professor of cell biology.

Dr. Weisz earned an undergraduate degree with a double major in history and molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University. She received her PhD in biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In 1995, she joined the renal-electrolyte division of the Department of Medicine at Pitt School of Medicine. Her research focuses primarily on the regulation of apical membrane traffic in the kidney. Dr. Weisz also serves as associate director of the Pittsburgh Center for Kidney Research.

Dr. Weisz is an alumna of the Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine program. She is a member of the School of Medicine’s Academy of Distinguished Medical Educators and director of its career mentoring program. Dr. Weisz is a recipient of a School of Medicine Distinguished Mentor Award and a University of Pittsburgh Postdoctoral Association Advocate Award. She serves on several journal editorial boards, including Physiological Reviews, Traffic, and the American Journal of Physiology–Cell Physiology.